Transformational Shifts That Return You to Your Natural State of Radiant Health and Wellbeing
Welcome to Be Radiant!
Your higher self loves to communicate with you through the body and alert you of misalignments. Thankfully, the intrinsic ability to recalibrate yourself already exists within you.
Envelop yourself in deep relaxation through gentle touch that cleanses your mind, body, and spirit in a welcoming and safe environment
Whether you’re looking to downgrade your fight or flight response, manage chronic ailments, seek emotional healing, or divine spiritual tune-up, there is something available for every soul.
Live increasingly in the love that nourishes and upholds you so that you move through life with calm and openness
Reiki works for your highest good and intelligently adjusts to each individual. Feel like yourself again by tapping into your intuition and trusting the answers it has for you
Ultimately, helping you feel like your genuine self again.

My Offerings
Meet Deanna
Hello Loves!
I’m Deanna Jaromay-Arrivas. Nice to meet you!
I am a light-worker, energy practitioner, wife, mother, and a person who loves life.
I’m also a person who’s felt first-hand the exhaustion that comes from the complexity of being human.
For years, I was disconnected from my intuition, broken emotionally, spiritually and physically.
The process of healing began when I discovered how to connect to my inner wisdom through mediation, journaling and feminine yoga.
During this process, I felt strongly drawn to Reiki and to learn more about how it could aid in my healing journey.
There are no accidents or coincidences... Reiki came into my life as a way to work through the deep-held beliefs and blockages that manifested physically in my body as chronic pain and sickness. This deep inner work tore off the band-aids that I had been using to hide my scars. I was left feeling exposed, open and raw. Reiki became the salve I needed for healing. I practiced self-Reiki as part of my self-care protocol every day.
Healing did not happen overnight, but it did happen.
After many months of tending to my wounds, I woke with a deep feeling of connection - to myself and to everything in the world.
As I continued to heal, I allowed myself to feel happier, more compassionate and able to see the beauty and love all around me.
My life has shifted, my relationships are more authentic, my work life more fulfilling, and I love myself and my body like never before.
With this healing came the intuitive sense to honor the call to become a Reiki Master and immerse myself in the teachings of the energetic healing arts: Usui / Holy Fire® III Reiki Master, Angelic Reiki as well as Theta Healing.
The energy work I practice manifests through a deep compassion and a desire to radiate infinite love for those who are awakening.
I will use my energetic knowledge, my intuitive wisdom and all that I have learned to guide you back to yourself, connecting you with your inner wisdom. I am here to lovingly hold sacred space and support you through your transformational journey and cultivate a sense of peace, calm and balance needed for your healing journey.
Let’s discover the natural you, together!

I feel so fortunate to have experienced a reiki session with Deanna. She has a true gift for the healing arts. Her love and passion for this work were evident from the moment I stepped into the room. Deanna's gentleness and compassion allowed me to fully open up. I was able to feel where there was stagnant energy in my body and by the end of the session, I felt lighter and more hopeful. I feel truly blessed to have this amazing healer in my life.
Jackie Jordan, M.A

Get In Touch
43 Quail Court, Suite 206
Walnut Creek, CA 94596